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asset balancerBalancer
Balancer is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol and liquidity provider based on the Ethereum network that allows users to trade and manage virtual coins.
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Total Value Locked (TVL) measures the amount of value locked in a DeFi contract or protocol. The bigger the TVL, the more reliable the protocol is.
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Annual Percentage Yield (APY) measures the annualized rate of return for a DeFi contract or protocol, taking into account the effect of compounding interest. It serves as an indicator of its profitability and attractiveness.
Audit Count
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Audits assess the security and functionality of a DeFi contract or protocol by meticulously examining its code and design. They serve as an indicator of the platform's reliability and trustworthiness, helping to mitigate risks for users.
Trust Score:
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Trust score reflects the risk profile of this provider. The higher the score, the lesser the risk associated with using this provider for your investments.
asset balancer
High Trust (8.50)
Provider Type
Provider type matters since different types of providers involve different risks.
Time On The Market
The longer provider’s time on the market the more trust it has due to proven track record.
TVL of a protocol represents the amount of liquidity in a protocol. The bigger the TVL, the more reliable the protocol is.
Top 10 Holders
Since most providers are DAOs, the top 10 holders checks providers for centralization levels, and as a consequence, for censorship. The lesser the percentage of tokens being controlled by top 10 holders the higher its trust score.
An audit involves checking the protocol by independent auditors for security risks and vulnerabilities. Protocols that have not been audited represent a greater risk for the user.
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