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asset RETHStaFi Staked ETH (RETH)
Rocket Pool ETH (rETH) is the Rocket Pool protocol's liquid staking token. The rETH token represents an amount of ETH that is being staked and earning rewards within Ethereum Proof-of-Stake. As Rocket Pool node operators, stake Ethereum on Proof-of-Stake the resulting rewards increase the value of rETH relative to ETH. Rocket Pool's liquid staking token allows holders to benefit from the returns of the Ethereum Proof-of-Stake.
Provider:Rocket pool logoRocket pool
Total supply
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The total number of coins that have been created or will be created for a particular cryptocurrency. This includes both coins that are in circulation and those that have not yet been released.
Market cap
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The overall market value of a cryptocurrency's circulating supply, which is similar to the free-float capitalization in the stock market. Market Cap = Current Price x Circulating Supply.
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The total amount of a cryptocurrency that has been traded over the last 24 hours.
Trust Score:
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Trust score reflects the risk profile of this asset. The higher the score, the lesser the risk associated with investing in this asset.
asset RETH
High Trust (7.75)
Time On The Market
The longer token time on the market the more trust it has due to proven track record.
Asset Type
Asset type takes into account the dependence of an asset on third entities. The less influence of third parties, the more reliable the asset is.
Market Cap
Market cap implies the impact of asset capitalization on its safety, the bigger a market cap of an asset the more trustworthy it is considered.
The more the number of holders, the more decentralized and trustworthy the asset is.
Volume 30d
Volume represents the interest of people in a particular asset. To reduce the impact of hype on trading volume, we measure trading volume over the past 30 days.
Circulating Supply
Circulating supply reflects a percentage of tokens/coins unlocked and tradable. The higher the supply of tokens that can be traded, the less an inflation event is expected thus reducing the possibility of market price manipulation.